Are dental veneers worth the cost?

Are dental veneers worth the cost?

These days, veneers are one of the most popular solutions for achieving supermodel-level smiles. Typically made from porcelain or composite resin, a veneer is simply a thin shell-like layer bonded over the tooth to restore a smooth surface with even colouring. However, as this is a cosmetic dental treatment, you can’t get veneers on the…

Invisalign London - Finsbury Dental Care

How Invisalign Can Transform Your Smile

No matter the extent of your personal experience with cosmetic dentistry, you’ve probably heard of Invisalign – an extremely popular modern alternative to traditional braces. Rather than metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses removable clear plastic aligners to achieve the same result as standard braces, without restrictions. If you’re hoping to improve your smile but…

How does teeth whitening work?

How does tooth whitening work?

Are you too embarrassed to smile? Maybe you feel self-conscious talking with friends and colleagues? These are very common emotions amongst patients who struggle with stained or discoloured teeth, but the good news is that there’s plenty that can be done! In 2022, teeth whitening is one of the most popular types of cosmetic dentistry…
